Level-Trac Control Systems
Features: The Level-Trac water level indication product line is designed to satisfy the requirements of ASME Section I for “Independent Remote Water Level Indicators.” The underlying principle is the difference between the conductivity of water and the resistance of steam. Level-Trac water level indicator systems are typically comprised of three major components, a probe manifold or water column, a control unit, and a remote display. Level-Trac probe manifolds are built to last, featuring robust construction to perform in the rigorous environment adjacent to steam generation equipment.
One to Fourteen Probe Channels
4-20mA Output Signal
Field Programmable Alarm and Trip Points
Voting Logic for Trips
Serial Remote Display Signal
Sequence Fault Detection
Dual Power Supply
Steam Gauge Valves
Features: Questtec Solutions offers several gage valve & steam valve options suitable for a variety of applications. Our valves provide an automatic shut off for glass and steam level gage products. QTS gage valves and steam valves are available in an assortment of arrangements such as union, integral, bolted bonnet, renewable seat, offset design, OS&Y design, etc.
Questtec Solutions steam valves are designed specifically for use with water level gages in steam/water service. The angled flow path compactly eases installation of the level gage, bringing the assembly connection point to the side. Each model is designed to prevent steam galling and maximize packing life to extend the longevity of the valve.
Steam-Trac Level Gauges
Features: Questtec’s extensive Steam-Trac product line was designed to offer several models of water level/steam level gages with pressure from 300 PSI working steam pressure to 3000 PSI working steam pressure. The Steam-Trac product line fully complies with the ASME Section I requirement for Direct Reading Gage Glass. Steam-Trac products are designed specifically for the rigorous service condition of steam generation, and consistently yield lower maintenance cost than than competitive products.
For 3000 PSI Working Steam Pressure (WSP)
Fully compliant with ASME as a Direct Reading Water Gage
Continuous one-piece chamber
Innovative LED Illuminator design
Custom built per specifications
Bolts are nickel plated
High temperature coating